domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010

Do you have to let it linger!

Domingo é dia de blog, né?

Esse Twitter só acaba com a gente! Hahaha
Tanto que pra escrever um texto longo e que tenha alguma sentimentalidade é difícil.
Só ando conseguindo em inglês.

Coisa doida!

Well dude, let's go!

I have learned a lot of things about me inn such a short time.
I'm stronger than I thought and also more fragile.
In certain situations I can not feel moved and I'm more pratctical.
In other, crying, and I am completely touched.

Until recently I thought I could be indifferent to everything and it was so standalone.
For everything that I've gone through and couldn't or would want to live intense with someone again.
I swore priorities.
"First I go to college, then get a job and theeeeen I think about dating."
"I do not want"
"I do not believe"
"I can live very well without"
"I was not born stuck with anyone"

Not quite.
Today, I got the maturity to admit some truths to myself.

1- I don't know to deal with terms and conditions set out for myself.
I can't beacause in fact this is ridiculously impossible to comply. There are certain things that do not depend on me, wich doesn't depend on anyone. It is the time, nature, the universe. And I have to be humble enough to accept that I'm not one to want to dictate when the things must happen or not. What is the right or wrong time.

2- If it necessary I really be very strong. But I'm not made of stone the whole time.
I'm human, I am a WOMAN. I have to cry when I want to, I clog chocolate (ok, I already clogged before), if need to spend a day watching movies disheveled pajamas and eating fat.
The next day, wake up and take a shower ande let the heavy energy goes with the running water. Dress from beautiful and go ahead. New and reinvigorated!

3- I depend, and A LOT, of my family. I love my friends and I value a lot, but I value myself too. Is there a LIMIT to everything.

4- I can not define me. Come and say "I'm just like that". I am not.
Can I be today, but my mind is not stagnant and my ideas and reviews were not written in stone.

5- I fall in love easily by those who attract me. Be doing the icy was a way to protect myself because my God! I'm the only one who knows what I have passed.
But that's not really me. Cold outside, inside was dying to hung and hang on anymore! Hahaha
My passions can be fleeting, so why not live them while exist and profit form them?
Tomorrow we might just turn a good memory.
Now I want to have the best memories!
I am alone at the moment, but if someone come and I like it, I'm not waiting for anything.
No more time priorities.
I really want to feel those butterflies in my stomach and share it whithout shyness.
I miss so much of it!

I have no shame to come here and say that I was wrong, fooling myself.
Everything changes all the time, why not me?

“Não me sinto uma mulher como as outras... Quem me vê caminhando na rua, de salto alto e delineador, jura que sou tão feminina quanto as outras: ninguém desconfia do meu hermafroditismo cerebral... Penso como um homem, mas sinto como uma mulher...Tenho um cérebro masculino, mas isso não interfere na minha sexualidade, que é bem ortodoxa. Já o coração sempre foi gelatinoso, me deixa com as pernas frouxas diante de qualquer um que me convide para um chopp. Faz eu dizer tudo ao contrário do que penso:nessas horas não sei aonde vão parar minhas idéias viris. Afino a voz, uso cinta-liga, faço strip-tease. Basta me segurar pela nuca e eu derreto, viro pão com manteiga, sirva-se...... sou tantas que mal consigo me distinguir.”

Martha Medeiros.